The more people I talk to about what I'm doing the more I realize there is a very divided line between the sexes; On the male side they, of course, think it's a great idea, a wonderful way to express my femininity. They tend to love the way a woman looks in a dress, or skirt, and of course heels. Why do men love this? Do they have the same feelings when it comes to shorts? They still get to see a little leg. I have come up with a couple theories of my own. The first and most unpleasant; I think men love the prospect that they might get a little show, sick I know. However, with my unlady like ways they may have. Sick I know.
To any man out there reading this and getting offended that I would ever suggest your sex to be full of perverts, I apologize. I, of course, am not talking about you personally, but they are out there, and if I were more attractive, had a 22 inch waist, and a chest the size of large cantaloupes don't act like you wouldn't be trying to take a peek. Or if not you, someone you know, your potty mouth friend from work who pretends to be picking something up off the floor as the previously described woman walks by, but of course I know YOU personally have never and would never do such a thing.
The other reason I believe males are so for the whole dress idea, who doesn't like the person they're with to look put together? I know that when I'm out even with the little guy I like him to have his hair combed, I dress him in a cute little outfit, and have his face washed, etc. These past two weeks I have done my hair more than I have this whole year. I can't seem to justify not doing it when the rest of me is all dolled up, then people would be playing the "one of these things is not like the other" game with my attire and hair. I like to be out with people who take care of themselves, and wearing a dress and being done up is the epitome of that for a woman, is it not?
When I have told females what I'm doing they give the "why the hell would you do that to yourself look?" When they see me they ask how its going with a little knowing chuckle, in this chuckle they say I know you are miserable even if you do look more put together than usual. Women know what wearing a dress is like, it doesn't have to be uncomfortable, for short periods of time. If you have the right dress, it isn't too bad at all. However, as you get in to long stretches of wearing dresses you realize there is no way to not be constantly thinking about where your dress is falling and flapping, and who is getting a show they may or may not want to see. Women know that wearing a dress does require upkeep, and have too many other things to think about in their lives. The thing that has been the most consuming the past two weeks has been changing my comfort positions. How does one sit comfortably while not in Indian style? As I type this I realize I am sitting Indian style now, luckily I have on leggings. (which saved my life the last two weeks.) I love them, just not as much as I love my jeans. Men can usually sit however they want, their legs can be spread out across two continents and no one would think anything of it. Women can't get away with this, especially not in a dress.
After doing this I will most likely throw on dresses more often when going out, as I so often do with my crazy busy social life..... well four or five times a year when I leave my house other than for work, or the grocery store. I did discover there are benefits of a dress that I hadn't previously noticed. I did feel more put together, it made me put time into my appearance. My wardrobe has increased in my eyes, I no longer fear having to wear dresses only for the right occasion. I discovered a new love for leggings' how can you not love these pieces of stretchy goodness, that wrap themselves around your legs and keep you warm? They add color and fun to what may be an otherwise plain dress. Leggings are key for the everyday dress wearer, which by the way I don't suggest for anyone.
When all was said and done I hope if nothing else this experiment can bring people around the world together in one united cause.... yah dah yah dah, and world peace.
i'm impressed. you've inspired me.... maybe i'll try to start wearing a dress or skirt once a week.... we'll see!!